RET Customs Brokerage Corp.

RET Customs Brokerage Corp. is a general professional partnership composed of licensed Customs Broker

RET Customs Brokerage Corp.

RET Customs Brokerage Corp. is a general professional partnership composed of licensed Customs Broker

RET Customs Brokerage Corp.

RET Customs Brokerage Corp. is a general professional partnership composed of licensed Customs Broker

Welcome to the
RET Customs Brokerage Corp.

RET CUSTOMS BROKERAGE CORP. represents a partnership of Licensed Customs Brokers as well as experts and trained practitioners in the customs and international trade and tariffs. RET is accredited by both the Bureau of Customs and by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority. We are guided by our Professional Code of Ethics to perform of mandated tasks in not only meeting customers’ expectations but in doing so, satisfy such expectations as expected by our stakeholders. RET Customs Brokerage’s Corp. thrust is to both enlighten and educate our customers through our wealth of experience and expertise. We shall always be on-hand in guiding them every step of the way. That’s not only our commitment, that’s our mantra.

Our Mission

RET Customs Brokerage Corp. prioritizes quality over profit. Being the best doesn’t always mean being the biggest.

Our Vision

RET Customs Brokerage Corp. aims to create a lasting and meaningful business relationship not only

What We Offer


RET Customs Brokerage Corp. offers Brokerage Services that feature fast customs clearance. We have the expertise and resources to help you transport goods, and we process several local and international packages every day, with all of them cleared immediately.

Client’s Reviews

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California, USA
Suspendisse faucibus ullamcorper neque nec eleifend. Duis aliquam, felis quis eleifend fermentum, tellus ipsum consectetur nibh, eget commodo erat mi eu felis. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,


California, USA

Get A Free Quote For RET Customs Brokerage Corp.

We always bring good quality services with 100% safety measures


Get a Quote

For a quote on our services complete the form below and a member of our Team will contact you shortly. We are ALWAYS OPEN with a LIVE 24/7 Reception and Customs Release Team. Experienced with urgent shipments. Can obtain releases for all customs commercial ports of entry in CANADA and the U.S. For all modes of transportation.

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